Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Social Network

I love Facebook. When a user isn't allowing their own privacy to be invaded it can really be useful. The Social Network is where I discover new music, funny videos, world news and pretty much all things relevant to my generation. Today I stumbled across a status from one of my artsy friends. It was centered around her new found love for Camila do Rosario. One response went something like this "just fell [in love]? sheesh catch up".

I don't like being the last person to hear about exciting news; so I had to figure out who this girl was and quick. Turns out she's a fashion student and a very innovative artist who is based out of Florianopolis, Brazil. If you're like us and our late friend from Facebook we've got a lot of catching up to do. Without further ado meet Camila do Rosario:

Find more of her work by clicking the link here.

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